*Thanks - Gracias - Merci*

Thank You India, Thank You Providence

This page is to thank everyone who has helped with this site, directly or
indirectly. If you know them, go up to them and give them a hug. These people are
purely mantasmagorical. Check 'em out!

*Group Hug!*

My IncuSix!! You guys are great. Stacy, Ashley, Lacey, Marwa, Pharoah, and Aisling...you guys are so kickass. It's awesome that we could all become such great friends through great music. I knew incubus could serve as more than listening pleasure. You all help make the IncuSix weird in your own way. Stacy, it's great to see you keep the teenies in check when they start to talk about Boyd's physical make-up. Go get 'em! Ashley, it's so hilarious how you insist that your little icon is a chicken. Aha...yes, we believe you ::winkwink:: hehe. It was sad to see you go, but you better come back and check in. By the way, where's my cookie? Lacey, you are an AMAZING new leader for the IncuSix. Your enthusiasm for adding fuel to the Latin Flame is an immense part of this group. Marwa, I think I speak for all of the IncuSix when I say it's so fun letting you know about new things everyday (spiffy!). Pharoah, even though you think you're the odd man out, that's what makes you so IN. It was awesome meeting you...three times and counting! And Aisling, you're a great addition to the bunch. You're like the Kilmore of Incubus. Well, you really are, but it's kind of like the actual DJ Lyfe to Kilmore thing. But it's great to have you so we can unleash the true wrath of the power that is IncuSix. Thanks so much guys. Keep wreaking havoc!

*My Friends: Close and Distant*

This is where I thank all of you: my friends. Thanks for keeping me on a leash (hence picture) and telling me when and what to do and giving me advice with the site. Here we go: Mike and Incubus, a million thank you's. I don't think I can really form a sentence that would convey just how much these guys have made an impact on my life. I will forever be grateful to them. Marissa you didn't do anything with the site, but you're my best friend, and you don't suck like everyone else from California. You're my ultimate concert-going buddy.  IncuSix, see above. Everyone who is reading this now and is unlisted, thanks for taking the time to read about who and what is special to me...it includes you! Thanks for coming! I bid you farewell.

On this page, you see a little girl giggling at a hippopotamus. I wonder why...